417 1st Ave. East, Suite 5, P.O. Box 1920, Williston, North Dakota 58802-1920

Personal Injury

North Dakota Personal Injury Law Firm

Kevin J. Chapman will assertively pursue your interests

Personal injuries can happen on the road, at work or even at home, often with devastating consequences. Being injured is traumatic not just physically but emotionally as well. Attorney Kevin J. Chapman has handled a variety of personal injury cases and understands the financial hardship that an injury can create. Attorney Chapman will diligently pursue just compensation. We charge no up-front fees for representation, and only get paid when we recover damages for you. Attorney Chapman also has experience with wrongful death cases. You need an experienced and aggressive attorney to fight for your rights, to go head-to-head with the insurance companies, and to win the fair and full compensation needed to pay for your recovery.

Consult an attorney immediately following your injury, when witnesses’ recollections are fresh and evidence remains available. Keep in mind that North Dakota law limits the amount of time in which you can file your claim for relief.

Call Chapman Law Firm, P.C. at (701) 572-3966 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with Attorney Kevin J. Chapman.